CPR for the Souls Healing Circle

Join the Healing Circle

Healing Circle is a spiritual community for midlife female physicians who have checked everything on their vision board, but they still think 


We believe we are all born to

fulfill a purpose

and our soul is yearning to find that purpose. And until we are not aligned with that purpose, our soul remains restless and continues to hurt, feeling something BIG is missing.

We believe that we co-create with the universe to find that purpose and align with it. And the alignment is what brings us peace, calm, and joy. 

We believe in energy as a powerful tool we use on this journey to communicate with the universe. 

We believe we need to heal our mind and body from the grip of past traumatic experiences, to access energy

And when we have the energy and the universe on our side, and aligned with our true purpose, we literally become unstoppable, starting to manifest our craziest dreams, without the sense of hustle and grind. 

We do it by accessing flow and joy

We guide you through this magical journey of …

Healing your mind and body

Accessing the energy

Dancing with the universe

Reconnecting to your true authentic self 

Finding alignment with your true purpose

Manifesting your wildest dreams  

Accessing peace, calm, and joy 

Join the Healing Circle

You are an ambitious midlife female physician...

...who has strived to be the perfect physician, wife, mom, and entrepreneur.

But you’re unhappy and unfulfilled and live with stress, overwhelm,
and anxiety.

You rush daily to complete your to-do list, yet you are constantly running behind
feeling incompetent and insufficient.

“I am a failure.” 


You are a midlife female physician...

...who has reached her dream, but in return you feel like SHIT.

You even tried to be responsible and secure yourself financially by paying off your loans,
pursuing a side gig, and investing in real estate but you still feel insecure, panicked, and

You are trapped in a cycle of self-criticism.

No matter what you do you come back to
the same story.

“They are better than me. I suck."


You are constantly feeling behind.

You are drowning under hundreds of incomplete charts, portal messages, and an infinite number of emails.

Your house is a mess.

You miss most of yourkid’s school events and don’t even mention sex. Your life is empty and soulless. 

There is something missing.

“I feel stuck.” 


You no longer find clinical medicine fulfilling.

You are tired of the patriarchy, the misogyny, the competition. 

You want OUT!

You have ideas but don’t have the courage, feel pressured, and frozen in fear.

You are scared to leave everything behind.

You are afraid to speak up and stepping away from it all makes you want to vomit but at the same time staying in it is torture.


“I feel miserable.”


Over a decade of practicing medicine...

...and you feel unfulfilled, unhappy, dying inside. 

Should I stay in medicine where I feel safe and can pay my bills?

Should I just quit this soul sucking career? 

Should I suck it up for another 5 years, save money, and retire early?

Should I invest in real estate?

The stock market?

Short term rental?

The economy is heading into a recession and the stakes are high.

“I am so confused.”

Join the Healing Circle

You tried your hardest to fix yourself.

You bought and read so many self-help books.

You listened and took meticulous notes on so many self-development courses and attended self-empowerment webinars.

You even bought coaching packages.

Nothing worked.

Is there any hope, any help out there?


But you still feel like SHIT wondering...

“What the heck is wrong with me?” 

The truth is:

“There is NOTHING wrong with you.”

The million-dollar questions to wonder about are: 

“Who the heck am I?”

“What's my true purpose?”

“What's the yearning of my soul?”

“What's the fire inside me?”

When you discover who you truly are, you will:

  • Stop feeling OVERWHELMED over your daily patient schedule.
  • Stop feeling STRESSED over incomplete charts. 
  • Stop feeling ANXIOUS when you must talk to administration.
  • Stop feeling INCOMPETENT reading your crappy patient review.
  • Stop feeling GUILTY every time you schedule “me” time.
  • Stop feeling SHAME when you have no energy for sex.
  • Stop PEOPLE PLEASING and learn to say NO.
  • Stop COMPARING yourself constantly to other physicians.
  • Stop OBSESSING and HUSTLING to create more wealth, side gigs, passive income.

And instead, you direct you start your eternal dance with the universe and guide your energy towards manifesting your wildest dreams with fun, ease, and joy.

Instead, invite the wealth to your life EFFORTLESSLY.

And we are here to help you find the answer to this million-dollar question so you can live your million-dollar life.


What is CPR for the Souls Healing Circle?

It’s where miracles happen.

It’s where your soul will awaken to dance with the universe and flow with ease.

It’s where you learn how to heal from the grip of the past traumas and let go of them for good. 

It’s where you learn to heal your mind and body

It’s where you learn to trust the universe, accept, and surrender.

It’s where you learn to play with energy


We let our souls sour high, unbound.

We let go of our labels and egos.

We heal our inner child wounds and traumas.

We liberate ourselves from the layers of programmed misery, lies and pain.

We break the cycles of choking generational traumas and set the spirits of our ancestors free.

We learn to love and accept all our parts without SHAME.

Join Healing Circle

CPR for the Soul Healing Circle is an experiential journey.

Pure transformation and magic.

Be prepared to blow your mind, scream, cry, laugh, dance, and flow.


Some of the tools we use inside the Healing Circle 

  • Energy healing 
  • Reiki
  • Inner child meditation 
  • Hypnosis 
  • Meditation 
  • Deep visualization 
  • Internal Family System (IFS) or parts work
CPR for the Souls Healing Circle is a 12 week magical journey through knowing and loving you:
  • Magical Inaugural virtual ceremony 
  • 1 group trauma-informed holistic coaching per week guided by your spiritual healers Dr. Parastoo and Dr. Sogol.
  • 2 weekly recorded holistic teachings led by Dr. Parastoo & Dr. Sogol.
  • Free access to our “Deep Healing Library”, consisting of dozens of guided deep healing visualizations created to deeply reprogram your subconscious for long-lasting healing by Dr. Parastoo and Dr. Sogol.
  • Free access to our signature 2-day summit for midlife female physicians, CPR for the Souls Ceremony 1 consisting of over 15 physician healer speakers, demonstrating diverse healing modalities such as EFT, Shamanic journey, human design, manifestation, astrology, and akashic records.
  • Free access to our signature1-day summit for midlife female physicians, CPR for the Souls Ceremony 2 consisting of over 12 physician healer speakers, demonstrating diverse healing modalities such as Breath work, Internal Family System, Inner child healing, and unshaming.
  • Free access to 1-hour workshop “Journaling Made Easy”
Join the Healing Circle

 Who are we and why CPR for the Soul Healing Circle?

Dr. Parastoo and Dr. Sogol came from different walks of life, yet share similar stories and backgrounds.


We are both native born Iranians and first generation immigrants.

We both come from a lineage of mysticism, Sufism, and the magical world of Persian poetry and music.

Our ancestry, our culture, and our life experiences played a key role in creating something beyond the conventional mindset coaching model.  

Healing ourselves was not easy, but was transformative. 

It liberated us from years of pain, confusion, anger, fear, shame, and self-doubt. 

It brought calm, ease, and peace to our stressed-out lives. 

Healing re-sparked the joy that was lost in our midlife years.  

We don’t want you to simply live...

We want you feel ALIVE. 

We see you spiraling in STRESS, ANXIETY, OVERWHELM 

disconnected from your purpose 
detached from your true self
disengaged from your life.

We feel your pain and suffering 

We see you.

We hear you.

That’s why we created the CPR for the Soul Healing Circle

Join the Healing Circle